Garry Shutler

Death to DST

Why the UK should adopt GMT full-time

October 29, 2024 · 1 min read

As a programmer and a father of young children there’s not many things I hate more than “daylight saving time”.

It’s the source of many software bugs, several days of unnecessary sleep disruption every year, and daylight is finite so it saves nothing.

In the UK there’s been suggestion of stopping “saving” daylight, but then the question is which offset to choose for the rest of eternity. My argument is that it should be GMT (UTC+00:00), not BST (UTC+01:00).

As someone who provides scheduling services across the world, the US provides our largest market. The US ranges 4-8 hours behind UTC, by adopting GMT year round we create a larger overlap with this large market when compared to BST.

This reduces the overlap with Europe assuming the worst case that they would adopt DST year around (UTC+02:00), but that still means ~6 hours of working overlap (~15% loss). For East Coast US we would have a ~4 hour overlap (~33% gain), and make it easier to overlap with the West Coast US.

The second argument is that Greenwich never using Greenwich Mean Time would vex me.1

Abolish DST. GMT forever.

  1. Some would say this is a strong argument for the opposite. ↩︎

Photo of Garry Shutler

Hey, I’m Garry Shutler

CTO and co-founder of Cronofy.

Husband, father, and cyclist. Proponent of the Oxford comma.